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Month: May 2010

Radio Silence

So it’s been nearly two weeks without content. I am a terrible host.

Why the silence? Well, partly due to my sinking neck deep in coding to get the main page up and running. I managed to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, all while trying to make the thing just work. I think I succeeded.

Another part would be my pronounced procrastination and apathy. I’m not into the rhythm of updating and any excuse not to is enough to allow myself to slip. I’m working on it. I hope I’m getting better.

However! In the next week I should have a new essay up, a review of a ridiculous foodstuff, and other interesting tidbits to share. Heck, maybe I’ll even pull in a reader or two.

I can’t promise daily content. I know myself too well for that. But there will be content, and I hope you enjoy it with me.

Avoiding Catastrophy

Less than a week in and I nearly blew the whole operation! I wrote nearly 1000 words of a draft, but they aren’t the right ones yet, so that got shelved. Instead you get this status report-y filler post.

I managed to finish the home page background image today, as well as learn the code I’ll need to implement it. Now I just need the header image and a few stylistic pieces and we’re in business. Also, once I settle on the header I can take a crack at a color scheme that’s more exciting than the current B & W. In the process I also retaught myself Photoshop, which was…interesting.

Hopefully by midweek everything will be coded and moved server-side. Until then, it’s back to the grind.

With a short break, that is, to see if I can make something palatable out of this:

Nothing In Particular

So. Here’s the deal. I’ve been trying to think of something to post about most of the day that wouldn’t take too long to throw together, but everything I want to say is on the aspirational side, which therefore kills any progress I’m making on site beautification, which is currently a process of learning two-three new languages and at least two new skills.

So instead I’ll post about not posting. Nyah.