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Daily Journal – Monday, 1/22/24

It’s a weird day. I got some good news that I won’t share quite yet, out of an abundance of superstition. It’s also my late father’s birthday, which leads to a weird basket of emotions. On both accounts, I went out and got a beer.1Thus the relative lateness of today’s post.


1: Started in on Deb Chachra’s How Infrastructure Works at the bar. So far, it carries the same authorial voice I’ve known her writing for. Looking forward to getting deeper into the weeds, but I already caught some fun insights about things like cadastral maps.

2: Got back, kicked up my feet, rewatched The Martian, which is such a great book and film adaptation of the same. The logical, scientific approach to problem solving is gratifying to see given wide exposure, both as a general encouragement of such approaches as well as to act as a new introduction to exploration and science for generations that need that kick in the pants.

3: Finally, went and did a little space exploration of my own in Elite: Dangerous. Nothing like flying around the galaxy to take the edge off more planetary concerns.


  • 1
    Thus the relative lateness of today’s post.
Published inDaily Journal