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Daily Journal – Wednesday, 1/31/24

Went out last night with an old friend for what started as dinner and turned into a 6 hour venture. As such things do. Also, no hangover, which is an unqualified win at my age.


1: An interesting quandary I hadn’t thought of before, that the Jones Act is negatively affecting offshore wind farm building because the US doesn’t have a steady manufacturing supply of the specialty ships to build the windmills. The Jones Act, star of every post-hurricane story for its impediment to supplying and rebuilding because we’re happy to let globalization into every part of our economy except our shipping to ourselves, which, 🤷‍♂️.

A telling quote for how dumb this all is:

No existing WTIVs1Wind turbine installation vessels comply with these restrictions, barring them from transporting wind turbine components to installation sites from nearby US ports.

Instead, these vessels must use a workaround. One method is operating out of a foreign port, such as in Canada. Another is for the vessel to position itself at the installation site and have the needed components transported to it by Jones Act‐​compliant “feeder barges.”

I’m sure there are specific reasons to keep the Jones Act in place, but they’re growing increasingly asinine in a globally connected world.2I’m also very aware I’m linking to the Cato Institute, which does not exactly have the most even perspective on such things, but on this they and I are in some form of alignment.

2: Got a notification from Once that their first product, a you-buy-it-you-own-it distro of Campfire, is available for purchase. Once, from Jason Fried’s 37signals team, is fighting against the tide of SaaS and turning life into a subscription to everything, which is both a noble cause and one I sincerely hope succeeds. While I don’t, at present, have a real strong use case for hosting my own chat software, I’m still tempted to buy it to support the mission.

3: Hahahahahahaha, get fucked buddy.


  • 1
    Wind turbine installation vessels
  • 2
    I’m also very aware I’m linking to the Cato Institute, which does not exactly have the most even perspective on such things, but on this they and I are in some form of alignment.
Published inDaily Journal