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Category: Daily Journal

Daily Journal – Wednesday, 12/27/23

So far, liking the new format. Feels more flexible for the very open nature of my days these…days. Yeah. Anyhow, onward!


1: First up, this Twitter thread from @patio11, about gumption, operations, and institutional helplessness (my summary, not his).

Patrick talks about the nature of strategic thinking and the nature of organizations to not actually act from a strategic mindset from an instinct towards safety, an assumption of a lack of agency, and the ways in which large institutions turn any decision into the problem of an entire committee, to both ensure no credit goes below a certain level and that no blame rises above it.

I’ve sat in these same meetings, asked these same open questions, had these same teeth-grinding revelations. It’s somewhat cathartic, while simultaneously being maddening at the ubiquity of incentivized inaction.1Which also led me to this important tweet: and then to cold emailing a director at a company I’d like to work for who’ve had a job opening for a role I’d be a great fit for open since at least October out of, honestly, who knows, but I’m betting the same weird culture around hiring that has seemingly poisoned the entire working world lately.

2: I watched this documentary a while ago, but got to recommend to a friend2Hi Casey! with a shared interest in the wild history of Apple: General Magic.3That link goes to Kanopy, which is a favorite streaming service of mine, in that its content is parceled out via your membership to your local library. Support local libraries! This is the kind of great shit they do! General Magic itself was a sort of external spinoff operation of Apple during the Sculley years, who were given the rein to try new and inventive things, which resulted most obviously outwardly in the Newton, but also to “USB, software modems, small touchscreens, touchscreen controller ICs, ASICs, multimedia email, networked games, streaming TV, and early e-commerce notions.” It was an experiment involving some of the most weighty names of the personal computing revolution, including Andy Hertzfeld, Susan Kare, Joanna Hoffman, and Tony Fadell.

Watching the documentary, you get a real sense of the vision of Silicon Valley and the giant dreams colliding with economic realities. It’s an inspiration filled with lessons and admiration for those willing to do the wild, necessary things to move the world forward, inch by inch.

3: Caught the finale of Slow Horses season 3, which felt slightly abrupt but entertaining throughout and climactic at multiple moments. One thing among many I’ll praise about the show is that it refuses to be too precious with any character, which doesn’t allow for the sort of psychological safety built into most shows, where one never really believes the stakes because it’s not going to end in the ultimate consequence for the characters involved. Slow Horses is happy to kill off whoever it needs to to make clear that such safety is an illusion, one that kept alive by the work of imperfect people making hard choices in a messy world.

Projects In Progress

Webapp: Put some work in researching headless CMS systems, because I am all too generally eager to not only reinvent the wheel, but to drag things along the dirt my entire life rather than try someone else’s interesting round contraption. And I’m trying to fight that. So, yeah. Checking out Strapi, among others, and I’m intrigued, if curious about how things fit together. The work continues apace.

Other: I’ve put the rest of my creative outputs on a bit of a back burner, which is not overall great, but is keeping them simmering to hopefully, eventually, coalesce into a more interesting stew. Or at least less of a pot full of bits and liquids rather than a soup.4And of course now I’m wondering what the dividing line is between some junk in some liquid and a soup. Is it seasoning? A minimum amount of simmering? Surely it’s not soup if I just throw scraps of meat and vegetables into hot water. There’s got to be more of a transition point than that, right? But where is it?


  • 1
    Which also led me to this important tweet: and then to cold emailing a director at a company I’d like to work for who’ve had a job opening for a role I’d be a great fit for open since at least October out of, honestly, who knows, but I’m betting the same weird culture around hiring that has seemingly poisoned the entire working world lately.
  • 2
    Hi Casey!
  • 3
    That link goes to Kanopy, which is a favorite streaming service of mine, in that its content is parceled out via your membership to your local library. Support local libraries! This is the kind of great shit they do!
  • 4
    And of course now I’m wondering what the dividing line is between some junk in some liquid and a soup. Is it seasoning? A minimum amount of simmering? Surely it’s not soup if I just throw scraps of meat and vegetables into hot water. There’s got to be more of a transition point than that, right? But where is it?

Daily Journal – Tuesday, 12/26/23

I wrote a bit earlier about the existential weight of fear and the mental anchor that is the ever-present search for safety. It was a balm, but definitely not a cure, for the condition to get some of that out of my head. I suppose we’ll see where we go from here.


1: I read a fantastic biographical piece from Lauren Thiesen over at Defector today, about the work to change one’s name, not personally, but outwardly, legally, and officially as the world ties it to documents and databases.

In my time in management, I managed an employee through the work-located aspects of a gender change and learned an awful lot about how the larger world makes such things difficult, on top of all the other inherent difficulties involved. Many people, upon updating their gender identity and shedding a dead name, do so by changing their employer entirely, such is the psychic weight of trying to move a machine that large.

To my employee’s credit, and to the credit of my former employer and their coworkers, it was an experience that went remarkably well. For all the pains involved in the process, my team was incredibly supportive of her and it turned into an opportunity to grow and bond as a group, as people shared their personal experiences with family and friends who’ve undergone gender transitions in their lives. I was, and remain, so proud of all of them, and of my employee herself, for their work through the process.

2: Read through Kottke’s 52 Things list earlier, and some days before, the list it was inspired by, Tom Whitwell’s “52 things I learned in 2023“, which has been running since 2014 and is always a remarkable collection of interesting insights about the world at large, from any number of angles1I mean, by definition, no more than 52 angles, but go with me here.. I actually tried to keep my own list of such things at the start of this year, in inspiration, but it fell off hard. However, rather than bury it in shame, here’s what I had going:

1/12 – Chuck-E-Cheese still used floppy disks to update their animatronic shows through this year (2023) (

1/16 – By ionizing air using lasers, lightning was able to be directed to hit specific locations. The idea itself stretches back to the 1970s (

1/30 – The Texas Two Step is a technique by which a company tries to avoid liability by splitting off a portion of itself liable for legal damages into a different company. Johnson and Johnson failed to accomplish one when defending against lawsuits for asbestos in their baby powder. (

2/6 – Chock Full of Nuts is called that because it was the coffee served at a lunch counter called Chock Full of Nuts, whose specialty was a “Nutted Cheese Sandwich” made from raisin bread, cream cheese, and walnuts. The sandwich was chock full of walnuts. Via Adam Conover (

4/1 – Pizza Rolls were invented to capitalize on a wave of American interest in both Chinese and Italian foods, and originally came in pepperoni, sausage, lobster, and shrimp flavors (

I’m gonna see if I can do better this year, and grace you all with a What I Learned in 2024 list that’s actually got 52 items in it.

3: After watching the three NFL games last night2The NFL would conquer the entire calendar if they could. Santa and Jesus are no match for the shield., I officially won one of my fantasy football leagues and made the finals in the other. One more week to go and we’ll see if I can make it to the promised land. Go Team Calvinball!

Projects In Progress

Webapp: Took some time today to try and figure out how to put in a CI/CD workflow via GitHub to the site. It, as most programming exercises go, did not work at first attempt. However! I’ll be working through some additional guides and hope to have a Hello World standing by EOD. So, progress? Kinda?


  • 1
    I mean, by definition, no more than 52 angles, but go with me here.
  • 2
    The NFL would conquer the entire calendar if they could. Santa and Jesus are no match for the shield.

Daily Journal – Monday, 12/25/23

Merry Christmas!

Decided not to take today off to keep the Monday-Friday schedule going. I’ve found that a regular schedule really helps me to achieve consistency, for a number of reasons, including that my brain is weird that way.

Also, after some thinking, I’ve decided to lump the What I Blank sections into one larger Inputs section, since it was starting to stretch to force a Listen To in at times when it wasn’t as prevalent or notable. Instead, you’re getting 3 or so Inputs, from various sensory sources.


1: Spent some time last night skeeting1I don’t like it either, but that’s what the community has decided to call the Bluesky version of tweeting, so, that’s what you get. through my favorite Christmas movie, A Christmas Story. It’s a yearly tradition of my own making which I moved over to Bluesky this year after the general fall and crumbling of Twitter.

Feel free to give that thread a readthrough if you’d like my general thoughts. Also because I can’t imbed Bluesky messages here yet, I don’t think. Plus, Bluesky hasn’t reinvented threading yet.

2: Watched the new ep of Summoning Salt’s speedrunning series on The History of Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out World Records. Speedrunning is one of those weird internet things that was sort of a thing in an analog world, but became a much larger community and constituency with the advent of live-streaming, recording, and digital interactivity. A high score on a physical machine was a bragging right in one arcade or pizza parlor. A high score in the networked era is a constant fight for ephemeral renown.

Speedrunning has grown to encompass multiple yearly conventions that raise millions for charities, research and expose hundreds of interesting faults and cracks in video games, and bring lasting life to games released decades ago. We’ve come a long way from Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell.

3: Ended up making a Beef Wellington for Christmas dinner again this year. Last year was definitely a better effort, but I can recommend the method from Joshua Weissman’s video. It’s a recipe that seems daunting in name but really comes down to proper mise and some small, stepped preparations that result in a day-of cooking experience that only involves some egg wash, some flaky salt, and some time in the oven. Just be sure to have a proper thermometer, and be sure you’re buying actual prosciutto and not, as somebody managed to, prosciutto-wrapped mozzarella sticks.2Me. That someone was me. It was not pretty.

Projects In Progress

Not a lot of progress today on things, outside some general reading and learning of tangential things. I did do a bit of noodling on some various stories I’ve been collecting notes for, with some plot points that might help things flesh themselves out into actual stories and not just interesting ideas without movement.

One of the things I need to get better at is the development of characters who live naturally in stories I’m looking to tell. Developing the people who are the engines of plots is something I generally struggle with at first, and improving there is one of the larger opportunities I see in myself and my growth as a fiction writer.


  • 1
    I don’t like it either, but that’s what the community has decided to call the Bluesky version of tweeting, so, that’s what you get.
  • 2
    Me. That someone was me. It was not pretty.