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Category: Writing

Weekly Journal – 2/5/24 – 2/9/24

Holy hell, I forgot how much goes into starting a new job. Took three or four different courses on how not to be a dick, plus all kinds of fun trainings on PPE and Tool Safety and Asbestos (asbestos? yes, seriously, asbestos.) which were wild to run through as a tech worker whose office is inside his own house. My brain is a thick sludge and I’m gonna sleep for 12 hours tonight, but it was nice to have some structure and some duties for which I have an agreed-upon wage. ANYhow, here’s some stuff I took in this week!

Also, yep, likely going weekly for a while. At a minimum until I get into the groove with work.


1: I was not at all aware how difficult it was to make blue LEDs. I remember when white LEDs first became a thing commercially and how that shift in light generation fed throughout the world, but didn’t quite grok how going from white to colored emissions worked. Pretty wild lesson in physics wrapped around this engineering problem.

2: In other brain-bending videos, the future may have already happened, and we’re just moving through our present experience of time. This, tied in with the proofs that free will doesn’t exist don’t break me at all. Nope. Not one little bit.1Don’t mind my existential screaming into a pillow.

3: “It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?”2Ok, yeah, just posting a link to an XKCD is cheating, but damned if inflation projected outward in time isn’t fuckin’ nutty to grasp. Also, I got to share the Is it Worth the Time chart with my boss today, who’d never seen it before. So there, two comics.

4: De Bruyne’s back, Haaland’s back, and Foden scored a hat trick. It’s over for you bitches. Game on!

5: It’s Ten New Brews season! I’ve been playing Magic on and off since Revised (so, like 1994?), as a semi-serious amateur and a very casual, and all points in between there. It’s feeling like I’m near to picking it back up a bit again, at the start of a new set, and watching Jim Davis go nuts brewing gets at that itch that the game has always scratched for me, of finding new ways of solving a competitive puzzle.

I’m never going to go pro3Though writing that was harder to admit out loud than I’d have figured, but since that’s not the goal, I can allow myself the space to have fun while putting in the work to be good at the thing. Anyhow, niche audience for the last one, but I’m in it, and hey, maybe you are too.


  • 1
    Don’t mind my existential screaming into a pillow.
  • 2
    Ok, yeah, just posting a link to an XKCD is cheating, but damned if inflation projected outward in time isn’t fuckin’ nutty to grasp. Also, I got to share the Is it Worth the Time chart with my boss today, who’d never seen it before. So there, two comics.
  • 3
    Though writing that was harder to admit out loud than I’d have figured

Daily Journal – Friday, 2/2/24

So, the big news I’ve been hinting at was finally fully confirmed yesterday: I got a new job! Huzzah! As such, starting Monday, I’m likely not going to have the time to consume enough random media to write about it daily. I’m thinking I’m going to transition to a weekly summary, with more items in it, that sums up some of the top bits I’ve read, watched, or otherwise consumed throughout that week. We’ll see though, I’m playing all of this pretty much by ear.


1: Everyone’s favorite rascal in a tree stump, Punxsutawney Phil, emerged from his hovel and, for the first time since 2020, did not see his shadow. Good work, rodent!

2: In positive news for those beholden to artificial insulin to survive, it looks like another startup biomedical firm is launching to increase insulin production at lower prices.

The patent to the process of creating artificial insulin was given to the world. Afterward, various “improvements” have been patented and used to drive costs in the US to astronomical levels. Anyone seeking to crater this continual injustice is a friend of the people, and one I’m happy to see succeed. Fuck the greedy drug companies, as well as America’s asinine belief that medicine is some sort of free market. The supply is life, the demand is the prevention of pain and death, and any ghoul who insists on squeezing the lifeblood of America into outsized profit deserves our scorn and our shame.

3: In what might be the most Borgesian thing I’ve seen this week, a guy made a .pdf larger than the universe. Specifically, 37 trillion light years square. The map is most assuredly not the territory, and damned if folding it back up again wouldn’t be tricky.

Daily Journal – Thursday, 2/1/24

Woo, one month down. So far, February has been in the mid 40s, which gives me hope for the predictive outcome of our scrawny Knob-dwelling miscreant tomorrow.


1: Little Elon has decided to try and take his ball and run home. Typically, companies incorporate in Delaware for insanely permissive and business-friendly terms and organizational structures. That somehow even this was not permissive enough to let Elon get away with all of the various shenanigans he wished to do with his, ahem, PUBLICLY OWNED CORPORATION, is laughable.

Maybe he really should have gone private at whatever whackadoo valuation he wanted to make up as being financed rather than lie about it and get slapped so hard he decided to buy Twitter1Which he only did because he joked about doing so, had his bluff called, and couldn’t get out of it like he wriggled out of the funding he claimed to have for Tesla. so he could use it however he wanted to control public narrative rather than feel shackled by the continual oversight of the SEC.

2: John Rogers, who was one of the forces behind Leverage, as well as many other great pieces of entertainment, is working on a series called Cons & Heists 101, which has started off great (he’s big on loading on the nuance and detail, which my squirrel brain fuckin’ LOVES) and portends more greatness to come. It’s a newsletter that I ingest via RSS, so get it however ya like, but the first issue is here.

Also, a quote for you as a teaser, which is a sidebar that he noted on Bluesky and which I’m thrilled he paid off in the newsletter, on the Rules of Crime:


I mentioned “the rules” over on Bluesky the other day and someone requested the whole set. It fits this week’s context, so let’s do it here. There’s no theme here other than “In twenty-five years of researching crime, this is what appears to be universally, without exception, true.”

Rule 1: Where there is value, there is crime.

Rule 2: A fine is a price2Whenever I hear this, I’m reminded of the story about Steve Jobs, who had no license plate on his car and parked wherever he wanted around Cupertino, because chancing the ticket and paying it was more effective for him than having to fuck around with parking. The man is not full of only positive stories, and yet he was a force of nature..

Rule 3: Nothing ever stops until a Rich White Guy goes to jail.

Rule 4: There are no Moriartys

Rule 5: Everyone can be conned.

3: Well, holy hell, Lewis is moving to Ferrari. I have so many questions, that may never truly get answered. I suspect there’s a level of consternation on his behalf about how George Russell has started to be viewed as their focus over the seven-time champion of the world, as well as the lack of progress being made on the car over the past couple years and the massive engineering missteps that continue to plague the setup.

I’m a big fan of Lewis’s, mostly for how much he annoys staid fans who would rather he be less outspoken and supportive of diversity and inclusion in the sport, and his willingness to wave a flag of acceptance in places like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where they’d so, so rather he wouldn’t. Ferrari’s cars are on the cusp, and if they can stop pulling insane hijinks mid race, they might have a chance at returning a title to the group. Or they might continue being Wacky Races. Regardless, will make for an interesting 2024 season as Lewis is riding out his last season with Toto and Mercedes. Here’s hoping he takes every instruction to give up spots for George and tells them to shove it.


  • 1
    Which he only did because he joked about doing so, had his bluff called, and couldn’t get out of it like he wriggled out of the funding he claimed to have for Tesla.
  • 2
    Whenever I hear this, I’m reminded of the story about Steve Jobs, who had no license plate on his car and parked wherever he wanted around Cupertino, because chancing the ticket and paying it was more effective for him than having to fuck around with parking. The man is not full of only positive stories, and yet he was a force of nature.