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Month: August 2020

What’s Up? – August 2020

So, we’ve posted a fair number of items in the past month or so, but things cooled off a bit. I could point to a number of causes, but the main one is a general desire to do something a bit different.

Writing about cooking was a nice reminder that I can string a few words together into something, even if I’m my own main audience for it. What I’m looking to do now is to write about some other topics that might be more widely helpful or less self-indulgent. The main one being management.

Currently I’m in the planning stages for a series of posts regarding people management, and more specifically call-center management, which is the career I somewhat surprisingly managed to carve out for myself.

Upcoming topics include:

  • Empathy
  • Setting goal, not goals
  • Flipping the org chart
  • Building trust
  • Managing remote teams

And other topics as they coalesce into solid points or themes.

I won’t be speaking about my employer specifically, as I don’t want to A) give the impression that I’m speaking for them or in any way give an impression that my views are necessarily their views and B) to hopefully show that, regardless who I work for, the lessons are broadly applicable and generally helpful. If you know me, you know who I work for. If not, it shouldn’t really matter, as long as the content applies to the work you’re doing.

With that said, keep an eye on this space for the first essay in the series to come soon. Likely on Empathy, which is the main attribute that drives all of the other work of the successful manager.

Thanks for continuing to indulge me.